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Player Improvement Program (PIP)

2 Golf Courses, 1 Price, Unlimited Access.

2 Golf Courses, 1 Price, Unlimited Access.

$59.95 | Monthly
$159.95 | Quarterly
$299.95 | 6 Months
$599.95 | 12 Months

Morning round: $10 off Rack Rate
Morning 9-hole from 7am-8:09am: $25
Guest Rate from 7am-8:09am: $45
After 2:30pm: $25

PIP Members Enjoy:

  • Unlimited range practice, includes range balls, 7 days a week, provided no scheduled events at the Club range open
  • Play as many holes as daylight permits for $25.00 + tax per visit. Twilight times are as follows: Jan-Mar: After 2:30pm; Apr-Oct: After 4:30pm; Nov-Dec: After 3:30pm
  • Discounts on special order merchandise at cost plus 10%
  • Make tee times up to 7 days in advance by calling the golf shop at (941) 792-6773

Sign Up!

Looking for Tee Time information?

Book online, or call the golf shop at (941) 792-6773.